Davide Luciani: Unpretentious Photography

How old are you?

Where are you from?

Dream job when you were a child?
Not sure, something related to Arts in general.

Describe your photography in three words.
Democratic, celebrative, unpretentious.

What is your favorite subject to photograph?
Whatever is immersed in our vibrating society.

Can you tell us your source of inspiration?
The Human Creativity and its willing to be unique, the individualism of our time and the roaring need to create and share.

When you are shooting how much of it is instinctual vs planned?
Totally instinctual. Keeping my eyes open is the only way I know to save myself from myself. Photography is an instinctual romantic tribute to the beauty of our age.

Whose work has influenced you most?
Ren Hang. His absurdity pushed to the limits when comes to the human intimacy. His geniality. His being unexpected. Arianna Nail, with her uncommon and dramatically pure sights of the world.

Are you a detail oriented person?
I can’t really define what a detail is but I guess details are what our lives are made of.

What is your favorite book and why?
On the Road, John Kerouac. It’s a hymn to life. And the story of all of us. Kerouac pen is fast and spontaneous, nothing’s left behind but considered and given of its own weight. On the Road is that kind of situation I’m living, on the move, looking for glimpses of beauty along my way.

Where do you feel the happiest?
Happiness is a big and difficult word to conceive. I think that “Planet Earth” would work good as a temporary answer.

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