Sam Gregg: see Naples and die

Where do you come from?
I’m from London.

Tell us more about your approach to the south italian culture
Southern Italian culture, for me at least, is like northern Italian culture on steroids. Italians are friendly, passionate people by nature, however, the southerners take it to the next level. Everything is amplified and exaggerated, in the most positive sense possible.

Why did you choose Naples?
Quite simply I visited once and fell in love with the city. I promised myself that before I died I’d live there. One year, after becoming rather tired of London life I packed my bags and moved to Naples. Within a week I was teaching English in a local school (only in the South could you do this). I photographed in my spare-time like I’d been doing with all my previous jobs. The culmination of this project, as well as others, means I’m now pursuing my passion full-time.

Did you feel a strong connection with the environment or were you more objective?
I always have to feel a strong connection with my environment. it’s incredibly important for me. I have to feel a love for the people I’m photographing.  My work has its core values in honesty and empathy, therefore, objectivity is antithetical to my style.

How did you develop your project See Naples and Die?
There was no real structure to it, like most of my projects. I began by wandering Naples on foot, getting to grips with the culture and geography of the city. After a while I began to focus solely on two central areas, Rione Sanità and Quartieri Spagnoli, as they captured my imagination the most, both visually and culturally.

How long did you spend in Naples?
Almost a year.

Favourite trip of the last year?
Naples. Once or twice every year for the past 4 years.

Where are you based at the moment?

How old are you ?



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